Co-founder & Former CEO, international customer relationship management co.
Finalist: EY Entrepreneur of the Year
CEO: SMU COX’s fastest growing private companies in Dallas
200 published articles/research studies on Relationships
1st book: Business best-seller The Streetcorner Strategy for Winning Local Markets, helped inspire CRM movement
About Robert

"...the most important
book of the decade."
Richard Boyatzis, Harvard Ph.D.
emotional intelligence guru, co-author of best seller Primal Leadership.
Relationships, in all their varied forms, have been the lifetime study of Robert Hall. He brings a rare combination of experience as a researcher, consultant, writer, teacher and CEO in dealing with the real-world relationship challenges of modern society. When coupled with a decade of hands-on experience in the gritty world of inner-city homeless families this book translates into a tapestry of vivid stories, well-researched and oft startling facts, and strategic insights that weave together the yet untold narrative of society's gravest risk and the Relational Leadership required to turn it around.
Click here to read introductory chapter.
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Relationships are our single most valuable and value-creating possession.

As Seen In

Congrats David on making No. 1 New York Times best seller list. Thanks for the shout out for This Land of Strangers
Robert with NYTimes columnist David Brooks in Dallas presenting his new book, The Second Mountain