The CEO as Chief Relationship Officer
At some point, the strategy is to execute. While the CEO role as chief strategy decider gets much of the hype, it is the challenge of...
Did Yahoo Blow It?
When Yahoo (NASDAQ: YHOO [FREE Stock Trend Analysis]) CEO Marissa Mayer sent out a memo to inform employees that they will no longer be...
Come Back, St. Valentine
St. Valentine was a third-century priest martyred for marrying soldiers at a time when Roman Emperor Claudius II had decreed single men...
Sandy Hook, One Month Later: Building Relationships and Winning the Peace
One month later, the tragedy at Sandy Hook has caused us to reflect on what kind of society we have become. Increasingly it feels like we...
Writer in Residence, by Monica S. Nagy
Through his work volunteering with the inner-city homeless, former businessman Robert E. Hall had an epiphany. “I found that most of the...
2012 – Flight from Relationship
The untold story of 2012 is how “not” became the new relationship normal — not married, not a parent, not a close friend, not a loyal...
How to Avoid a Thanksgiving Food Fight
There you are, gathered with relatives ‘round the Thanksgiving table. Your spouse is carving up the bird, the kids are fidgeting in their...